How can a good concierge help increase employee involvement in the current conditions?
Given the current context, your employees can feel more than ever the pressure of overlapping the professional life with the personal one, family life, especially if they work from home. The relationship between employer and employee, built during the collaboration, risks being lost now, if they feel that they are no longer at the center of your concerns as an employer, that you do not support them, it may seem that you no longer notice and appreciate their efforts.
Changes in work habits, high expectations from employers and the burden of projects can cause employees increased stress and the loss of balance between work and home! Both managers and employees find less time to take care of personal tasks. Studies show that 75% of employees take care of personal responsibilities while working, sometimes spending even a third of their time working to solve them.
Whether it’s time for personal or home repairs, finding a nanny or a good teenage psychologist, a dedicate teacher for high school preparation or helping elderly parents, Consiergo can take these requests through the special program created for your employees – ConciergeCare – an innovative program of support and reward for your employees, a program that launches in Romania the concept of a culture of care for employees.
ConciergeCare is a new type of benefit, which can replace the traditional ones and which no longer find their place in the current context (examples: holidays, office massage, gyms) through which employers can reward their employees. The objective? Better focus on work tasks and better motivation of people, whether they work from home or office. Through ConciergeCare you increase the efficiency of your employees, because you take over and solve some of their worries, from the requests related to Family and Home, Children and Education, Care for the Elderly in the family.
How does it work? Extremely simple. By signing a partnership between Consiergo and the Beneficiary Company. Thus, the employer will pay a fixed monthly fee which gives its employees access to a life with fewer hassles. Any need or necessity for them will be taken care of by the Concierge Care team.
The advantage? More serene and productive employees with up to 200 minutes / week / employee.
Access to the ConciergeCare program is made through the Consiergo APP mobile application, which is connected to a CRM system, through which the team takes over and solves the beneficiaries’ requests. The application can be accessed nationally by all employees, and they will receive unlimited help whenever they request it. The service is provided at the request of the employee, whenever it is needed, and is not a taxable benefit because the access is “flat”, there is no fixed number of accesses per employee. Moreover, it can be included in the social budget of 5% if it is included in the ROI.
The company will pay for the activity and expertise of the concierge team on a fixed monthly fee for accessing and resolving the employees’ requests through ConciergeCare, and employees will only pay for the actual service (nanny, car repair, math teacher or mother’s transfer to the doctor, in a safely manner). Everything with maximum confidentiality and attention.